Friday, January 6, 2012

It's a New Year, My Friends

This is the year for progress.

This is the year things will change.

This is the year I take charge of my life.

This is the year I get things accomplished.

This is the year.

I can feel it.

With every fiber of my being.

This is the year I make things happen.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Winter Cleaning?

I'm trying to make room in my closet. Not necessarily for more things (Lord knows I don't need any more....not that that will stop me ;) ), but just to, ya know, have room. So far I've gone through my shirts and cardigans and hoodies and have removed....5 things. Yes. That number is a little lackluster. I am indeed aware of this fact.

What you see as pathetic however, I see as progess ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Looking Back...

I love how many of my old posts are about "G". It's funny how much changes over time. Not that I don't like the kid, but he is sooo frustrating and when I went back I don't see how I didn't notice it earlier! I guess we're blinded by our infatuations with people. How you can be the one pushing for a relationship with a person, and then being the one to end it. We are flawed creatures that much I know, but that's what makes life interesting :)

There's a quote from MadMen that I've always liked that Don said,

"We're flawed because we want so much more. We're ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had."

This is paraphrased, I'm too lazy to look up the exact quotation, but you get the gist. He's a wise man that Mr. Draper ;)

Life moves on. Lesson Learned.

The lyrics don't necessarily pertain, but I love this song, and the title fit in nicely, so let's roll with it, shall we?

My Christmas Wishlist pt. 1

Lace Shorts :



I'm "watching" some on ebay right now....

Striped Things!!:




**both of these photos are courtesy of

^^ actually just this entire outfit.  She has the striped shirt I want.  The blazer I desire. THIS exact blazer I need. NEED. And the light brown skinny jeans that are also on my Christmas Wish List.  Closet envy at it's finest...



I also want a black peacoat.  And a camel colored Scarf



Not only do I want this dress, but also just Peter Pan collared dresses in general.  Please :)

Camel Colored Jacket:


I need this jacket as well. Also, any and every chunky infinity scarf needs to find it's way into my closet. Please and thank you.



I feel like I need to have at least one moment of sequins in my wardrobe.... :)

Black Mini:


They have these at Forever 21 for like $6.50! Yay!  I can always just get it for myself.  So easy to layer with and make winter appropriate!  The options are endless!!

Leather leggings:


That's right, you heard me.  Leather leggings.

Maroon Skinny Cords/Skinny cords in general:


**courtesy of

Over the knee socks:



For my boots!

Beauty and the Beast Sweater:


I need to find this sweater!!! No questions asked!!

Scalloped Shorts:


So cute :)

These clock necklaces:



SO cool...

And finally (for now)...


this one opens up to a clock...There's another one that is like a lock and opens to read "I open at the close". Either one is badass.

So ladies, what do YOU want?

xoxo Nicky

edit:: Sorry I can't give proper credit for these photos!!! They were all ganked off of Pinterest, but if they are yours PLEASE let me know. Also: I hate you for having the things that I want so desperately ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Short One

Totes did way worse on my Biometry exam than I thought. Just put it on my tab.

My roommates and I have started a "Selfish Cunt" Tally Board.  Basically you get a tally everytime you're selfish.  I have the least amount with 6, majority of which are highly questionable ;).  Just throwin' that out there.


This looked better in person. Promise ;)

Gotta go read the Importance of Being Earnest now, wish me luck!!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hola, Mis Amigos!

Long to no see, eh?  sorry about that...I don't have a ton of time to update right now (sorry, school is lame and time consuming, currently trying to save the Javan Rhino, no biggie) BUT I come baring gifts!  Several small posts!  (And you claim I'm not a giver!)

This was my outfit the other day! My key to fall/winter is to layer like a fool.  It also helps becuase currently my apartment has no gas, therefore no heat until Tuesday.  To say it is a bit frigid in here is an understatement.




I was afraid you guys wouldn't be able to see the shoulder pads, which are obviously my favorite part of this outfit.  I feel like such a college kid in it.

Jacket : Thrifted, no label
Shirt: just a plain white one from Lord knows where
Scarf: Thrifted
OuterCoat (second picture?): J Crew, thrifted



Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Collection of Text Messages

so this idea came to me when I realized my inbox was full, but I was having a hard time deleting some of my texts!  So here are some of my favorites to be remembered forever (these probs won't make a lot of sense to others, really more for me - sorry boos!):

Brian: May 12, 6:32
I verbally bitch slapped a customer when they were wrong about the price of cucumbers.

Papa Son: May 13, 5:51
I think it would be best to leave her on side of road.   Someone will taker her in

Brian: May 21, 2:14
If it makes you less sad, I'll die by your hand.

Papa Son: May 24, 10:25
Lady at work is really upset about teh whole lost debacle.

Chris: May 27, 8:39
So i really like that michael bubbly guy now, sorta embarassing

Ian:  May 30, 10:38
Lol! I dare you to try! And yw for the ice cream! I enjoy doing stuff like that! :)

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